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4 women tell me what International Women’s Day means to them


I never felt that being a women limited me. I never felt that being a woman was a struggle. I was brought up by a single mum, who was brought up by a single mum and now I’m a single mum. When I think of women, I think of them. I think of me and I think of my daughter.

Every one of us has or is pushing the boundaries of what is expected. My Grandma got married at 19 and moved to Peru with her husband. This was at a time when most people didn’t travel further than Blackpool.

My mum became a single mum at 17 but worked, brought her own house and took us to live in Australia for 2 years. All things that teenage single mums aren’t “expected” to do. So I guess for me it was easy to be different, to be strong, to be independent and of course to travel, it’s all I have ever known and all I have ever seen.

To me, the fact that we live in a world that limits the expectations of what women can achieve is irrelevant, because WE choose how we live our lives. WE choose what we do and where we go. Other people’s expectations, prejudices and opinions ARE irrelevant. Although it may not be quite as easy for others, the opportunities are still there if you choose to see them.

Now I work every day to help other women see these opportunities and these possibilities and of course to help them make it happen. International women’s day isn’t be about fighting for more. It isn’t even be about trying to change the world. Although these are things that I am glad to see happening. It’s about deciding that what the world thinks isn’t important.


How the world views you isn’t important. If you want more – go get it. If you want change, change yourself. We cannot control what happens outside. We can only control our actions and how we choose to respond. It may be harder for us. We may have to do everything whilst juggling kids and cooking dinner and hanging out washing – it’s not a reason to not go for it anyway.

There are all kinds of privilege and there are all kinds of disadvantage. People are born rich or poor, white or black, male or female. These things impact on our lived but they do not define us. How we choose to use them is what defines us. How we choose to respond to these things defines us. Do we allow these things to stop us or do we allow them to push us forward and light a fire under our ass?

No matter what you look like, no matter how much money you have, the world is still full off opportunity. Today and everyday is about helping women to realise their power. Helping women to realise they don’t have to wait for change. Helping women to feel confident and believe in themselves. Helping women to stop questioning how awesome they are. Helping women to stop waiting for someone else to tell them they can or that they are good enough. Helping women to realise that whatever you want. Just go for it! – Chanel Morales founder of Digital Nomad Mums


In 2019, I made a massive shift in my business to serve only female entrepreneurs around the globe, and it changed my life. As a woman with two businesses, two kids, and dozens of other responsibilities, I have learned to focus on the work, not the clients.

This change in my business to working exclusively with females has made that nearly impossible. These women have captivated my attention and deserve every bit of goodness that comes their way. The stories I read daily from women I meet just proves how incredibly kind, hard-working, compassionate, capable, and we all are!

I’m truly fortunate to serve so many of them in the growth of their businesses and the blossoming of their big, beautiful ideas.Put simply, I’ve become intentionally surrounded by the most inspiring women, and it elevates my life and thinking in ways I could never explain or have imagined. This International Women’s Day, I celebrate the entire population of females around the globe – especially those of us who choose to support and love each other unconditionally each day. What a special gift. – Justine Beauregard founder of Growth Mindset Marketers

Brand business photographer Rebecca douglas photography 0172

It is important that International Women’s Day is marked, its meaning reflected on and action taken. Even although we are in 2020 and there has been huge progress in gender equality in some parts of the world, it is clear that there is still such a long way to go in so many countries and also within many parts of our own society.

I’ve always been a strong believer of supporting women to do great things. Whilst running my business, I have offered opportunities for aspiring photographers to assist me at shoots and in the last decade, this opportunity has always been taken up by a woman. Supporting women in their early careers has been something that I feel very honoured to have been part of and will always continue to offer opportunities for people to learn and grow. – Rebecca Douglas founder of Rebecca Douglas Photography.

Visit her website: and follow her @rebeccadouglasphotography


I left school at 15 without a clue of what I wanted to do. The thought of starting up my own business was so out of the question, something I’d never considered because in school and where I’m from it was just never really spoken about as an option for the future. After a decade working in fashion I has a mental health wake up call and stumbled across free yoga on YouTube. I was hooked and within a year I’d taken paid redundancy from my job to pay for my teacher training, gone and trained in Indian and the rest is history!

From the moment I started getting serious about yoga I knew I wanted to create a safe and welcoming space where people could come and practice yoga together. Running my own business is the hardest job I’ve ever done, but more rewarding than I could ever imagine. I’ll never be rich but my business pays the bills, puts clothes on my back and gives me a life that is fulfilled and ALWAYS challenging, in the best way. I have met the most incredible people here, in Margate, and am totally humbled by the support and love I’ve received since opening Union.

I have to pinch myself, because I basically get to hang out with an amazing bunch of humans every day. The world needs more girl bosses with big dreams and good intentions, follow your heart and be fierce! – Amie Evans founder of Union Yoga Studio in Margate.

Visit her website: and follower her @yogawithamie

A big big thank you to these 4 women for sharing their thoughts and stories with me, this is what I love about having my own business, women supporting and empowering other women!

#IWD2020 #EachforEqual is about ‘Collective Individualism’. We are all parts of a whole. Our individual actions, conversations, behaviours and mindsets can have an impact on our larger society. Collectively, we can make change happen. Collectively, we can each help to create a gender equal world.


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