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Sunshine is the Best Medicine

Spring is here and with it comes blooming plants, longer days, and renewed energy. While many of us are happy to wave winter goodbye, let’s not rush through this wondrous transition time.

Spring is synonymous with hope and new life. It make us feel grounded and connected to nature, it’s also a chance to for many of us to declutter, organise, and clean. While spring cleaning has the obvious benefits of an organised closet, a sparkling work top, and more importantly, it has been associated with improved mood, decrease stress and heighten creativity.

If ‘spring cleaning’ your physical environment isn’t your thing or you’re pretty good at keeping on top of everything then it’s a great time to get rid of anything weighing you down mentally.

Now is a good time to reconnect with yourself; stop and work out how you are really feeling and how you can make things better.

If the beginning of this year hasn’t been all it’s cracked up to be then Spring is another chance make some changes or start again..

  1. Identify 5 top things of importance to you

  2. Create a ‘goal’ for each one (if appropriate)

  3. Take action and set aside some time each day or week to make things happen

Spring is a lovely reminder how good change can be!


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